About me

Nice to see you here! 👋

Hi there! My name is Timothy, but all my friends call me Tim (so please call me Tim too, friend!)

I'm originally from Sydney, Australia, and I'm currently living in Maine, U.S.A. Some of my hobbies include board games, cooking, writing, and making bots.

I discovered conversation design in 2021, and I've been making chatbots and virtual assistants ever since. I think it's a blast working in the field; each project is so unique and interesting.

I've held many jobs across three different continents, but I truly feel that conversation design is my calling. I like that I can draw upon skills I've learnt in previous jobs (like copywriting, linguistics, or marketing) to deliver a great product. I'm really passionate about the industry, which is why I've made this site to showcase my work.

I love to design compelling and engaging bots, and I also love implementing them on NLP platforms like Dialogflow. I enjoy getting involved with every step of a project—if there's a challenge I haven't encountered before I take it as an opportunity to further develop my skills and hone my craft.

Conversation design is a relatively young field, but it's something I'm genuinely excited to be a part of. I've undertaken two conversation design courses in the past year and I'm always eager to learn more about the field.

Check out my projects here, or email me to start a conversation.

Let's start a conversation.

If you have any comments, queries, or even if you simply just want to say "hi," please don't hesitate to send me a message!

With professional experience spanning three countries, I have confidence in my ability to adapt to any situation. As a life-long learner, I always strive to equip myself with new skills and knowledge to tackle whatever challenge may come.